Saturday, July 29, 2017

Author Interview with Mila Raphael

Author Interview with Mila Raphael

Name: Mila Raphael

Pen Name if different: N/A

What first inspired you to write?

I never planned to write, not in a million years –lol-, so I can’t really say what inspired me to write, but I can tell you how it happened: In 2014, in the middle of a summer night, I had a dream, I woke up from it and wrote down in a notebook –around 46 pages-, and I forgot about it; fast-forward to May 2017, and I found the notebook by random, while reading through it, I realized my character’s story needed to be told.

How do you come up with the ideas for your stories?

Like I said, on the previous answer, they mostly come in dreams. The one in 2014 was quite vivid. A Russian enforcer was speaking to me about his zolotse –his little piece of gold- and how he was from the Bratva and she was CIA, but what they felt for each other was stronger than any brotherhood or Government agency, and would span for a lifetime. 


What question do you hate the most about being a writer?

I am not the most known author so I don’t think I have been asked many things, but the one everyone seems to want to know is: How easy is it to publish a book? It’s not. I never thought it was, but I never knew how much it takes emotionally –and financially- but also how many people are involved to make that “dream”, take that rough draft a make it a book.

Are you indie or traditionally published?


Have you ever tried the other style of publishing?


What are you working on now?

I am 80% done with my book Double Lies.

What is your most recent/upcoming release?

My first book was released July 21st, and it’s titled Double Life

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