Saturday, July 29, 2017

Author Interview with L. Anne Wooley

Author Interview with L. Anne Wooley
Name:   L. Anne Wooley

What first inspired you to write?   I had written poetry when I was younger, but in 2004 I was encouraged by a friend to read Natalie Goldbergs “Writing Down the Bones.”   It rekindled the love I had for writing. 

How do you come up with the ideas for your stories?   There is a quote by Harlan Ellison about that.  People ask me where I get my ideas. I always tell them, “Schenectady.” They look at me with confusion and I say, “Yeah, there’s this ‘idea service’ in Schenectady and every week like clockwork they send me a fresh six-pack of ideas for 25 bucks.” Every time I say that at a college lecture there’s always some schmuck who comes up to me and wants the address of the service.”   But for me, ideas come from snippets of conversations (Once wrote a story based on this line, “I’d sell my body to pay the rent,”  Or prompts in books/groups on facebook.  Writers Digest has awesome ones, one became the basis for Stormraevyn.   But ideas come to me all the time, and say, “Write meeeeeeeee.”    So I have an google sheet that is called, “Shiny New Ideas.”  As I’m all about the shiny!

What question do you hate the most about being a writer?   That’s a toughie.  But I’ll use one that I get for when people would tell me at bazaars and jewelry shows that can also cross over to writing.  “That doesn’t look hard at all, I could do it.”   Well, the best response to that was from someone else, “Yes, but will you go out get the materials, and do the work?”  Any artist of any style of art, pours more than their creativity into their works.  There are blood sweat and tears.

Are you indie or traditionally published?   I actually am published in anthologies.  One is a publishing group, the other is indie.  I plan on going indie with my novel Stormraevyn. 

Have you ever tried the other style of publishing?  I haven’t submitted a novel yet.   Though depending on the success through Indie publishing, I might try Traditional.

What are you working on now?   Several different anthology pieces.  Though I did the introduction (an in memoriam) for another charity anthology for Bi Polar Disorder research (in Carrie Fishers honor).  I have a fairy tale mash up story that I’m writing as a screenplay style (it might be a hybrid play/short story).  Then Volume 3 of The Longest Nightwatch, is coming up too.   So I’m really busy, and am trying to sneak time in for Stormraevyn, several of the characters there are almost refusing to speak to me!

What is your most recent/upcoming release?   Not sure when it is coming out, but Drowned in Moonlight the Carrie Fisher one should be next.

Links to stalk you online:

Amazon Author Page
Goodreads Author Page
Writers Blog
youtube channel

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