Author Interview with Riya Anne Polcastro
Name: Riya Anne Polcastro
What first inspired you to write? There have always been stories inside of me that will claw their way out if I don’t. It’s a necessity.
How do you come up with the ideas for your stories? I don’t. They just happen. At any given time I have multiple stories that are just developing in my mind on their own accord. The problem is when am I going to get around to letting them out and writing them down? It makes it hard to focus on one, because the others need to be told just as badly as whatever my current work in progress is.
What question do you hate the most about being a writer? Why aren’t you more successful or famous? Some people seem to think if you don’t have a multi-book deal with movie options straight out of the gait you should just give up. They can bugger off. Wait, is bugger FB appropriate? Feel free to edit out if not 😉
Are you indie or traditionally published? Indie baby!
Have you ever tried the other style of publishing? I tried for years to get a traditional agent and publisher. At this point it seems you really have to know someone to break through, no matter how good your storytelling skills. Especially with literary fiction. And even more so with the really dark transgressive stuff I usually write.
What are you working on now? Dentata. Also known as The Novel Formerly Known as Teeth. It’s a dark transgressive novel about a sweet girl next door type who gets the best possible revenge.
What is your most recent/upcoming release? I hope to have Dentata out in August of this year. My most recent release was a narrative non-fiction/memoir about the journey of living with an undiagnosed auto-immune disorder and how doctors basically tried to kill me through neglect and some pitiful misdiagnoses. It’s called Death by Gluten: How Undiagnosed Celiac Almost Cost Me My Life.
Links to stalk you online:
tumblr: M is for Muerto
Twitter: @RAPolcastro
My website is a work in progress… , And I also have a photography project where you can stalk me: Locals to Oregon (or anyone travelling to the area) should definitely contact us for a photo shoot where they can by photographer as a murderer. You know, like a boudoir shoot, only way cooler.
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