Monday, August 23, 2021

The Saga Continues

 So, on August 12, I submitted the paperback and ebook versions of Out For Delivery to Amazon for publication. In less than 12 hours, the ebook was live. Here we are, 11 days, and 2 calls later, and I'm STILL waiting for the paperback to go live. I am at my wits end here. I can't resubmit it, I can't publish it as a new publication because it kicks it out  And they tell me that since it is in "Publishing" status, they can't cancel the publishing of it so that I can take it down and fix the few errors that the 7th person to edit it found, or put the correct cover on it. So, I get to keep a watch out for it and take it down as soon as it goes live, then fix the few issues, then reupload it and wait another who knows how long for it to go live again. UGH Oh the joys of being an author lol

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Let's play catchup

 So, over the last year or so, I've had a lot happen, just like everyone else in the world. Some of it good, some of it bad, most of it mediocre. The good: I've lost about 30 lbs, and had a new book release (see previous post). The bad, my oldest nephew is on the lam, last known whereabouts was Ft. Worth, TX in a stolen car. I actually kinda hope he gets caught before he gets to Mexico, because he has no one there to support him when he winds up in a Mexican jail. Yes, I said when, not if. And more bad, my sister in law, who lives next door, took it upon herself to steal from me, because she wanted to know what my #3 nephew had been up to while he was over at my house staying the night. Now, while I can understand wanting to know what he was up to, the way to do this is NOT by going into someone else's house while they aren't home, knowing they aren't home, without asking if you can go in the house, and taking something that does NOT belong to you or to your stepchild. But now, somehow, I owe HER an apology because when she called and informed me that she had my tablet that I let my nephew use and she demanded the password to said tablet, I hung up on her out of shock that she had stolen from me and had zero remorse about it. In fact, I'm being branded as immature and badly mannered, for doing so. Wow, and she is somehow on the moral, ethical, and manner high-ground considering that it was her action that sparked this reaction? What did she expect? For me to bow down and kiss her feet and grovel and immediately jump to her command? Sorry, I missed the ceremony that granted her ownership of me. So now, I have the dilemma of do I press charges against her, as the detective I spoke to said I have every legal right to do, or do I bow down and kiss her feet and act like I am okay with her blatant disrespect of me and mine? Personally, I'm for pressing charges and having her hauled in, booked, jailed, and imprisoned for the next two years just to teach her the lesson that she is NOT above the law as she seems to think. I have until next June 15 to decide.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

New release!


~~~~*** New Release***~~~~

Delivering the mail was never supposed to endanger Caitlyn Rivers' life. When she noticed one of her customers hadn't picked up her mail in a few days, she called for a wellness check, and it took a turn she never expected.

After the police respond to the call, it is discovered who was behind the woman being found near death at the bottom of her stairs. And by being a good Samaritan, Cait’s life is put in jeopardy.

As Cait teams up with sexy detective Ryan Hill to put the perpetrator behind bars, tension builds between them. Will they break the case, or will the case break them apart?

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