Tuesday, November 22, 2016

My Dog Thinks I'm Dumb

She also thinks she has me trained. I'll be honest enough to admit that she probably does. But she seems to think she's slick. She likes to wait til it's dark, pretend she needs to go out and then do NOTHING and expects a treat when she comes in.

I'm on to her.

I can see better in the dark than she thinks I can. I will stand at the back door and wait for her because it's hard for me to go up and down the steps, so I usually don't bother to go down the steps with her so she can go potty. Just open the door to the porch, let her out to do her business and call her back in. She will, at night only mind you, go out, scoot down to the bottom of the steps and stand there. She doesn't realize that her light coat sorta glows in the dark, and it's easy to spot her just standing there. I'll usually call her back in by calling out "You want a cookie?" and she will come zipping back in. Now during the day, when she actually does something, she will get a doggie treat for being a good girl and going potty. Unless I can tell she did something at night, no treat.

She'll learn eventually, lol.

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