Sunday, November 20, 2016

I wish it would rain now

Yes, I have the song stuck in my head, but there is a good reason for it. Alabama has been in a short term drought for the last two months or so. Pretty much since my birthday. According to, most of the state is in a serious short term drought, with about 1/3 of the state in an exceptional drought as defined by the US Drought Monitor. (You can visit that website for pretty pictures.)

What scares me is that since October 1, there have been over 1800 wildfires which have destroyed over 22,000 acres of land in Alabama. There is a no burn ban in effect, and for good reason. The whole state is pretty much a tinderbox right now. The last recorded rainfall in Birmingham (one of our major cities for those not familiar with Alabama) was 0.01 inches the other morning. Yay, because it rained, indicating that hopefully we have a chance for more rain soon. Boo because it wasn't even enough to make a drop in the bucket.

Yea, I wish it would rain now, down on me. Oh you know I wish rain, rain down on me now... Kinda my theme song right now! Pray for us that we get some much needed rain here soon.

#southernfamilytiesbooks #thealabamawordsmith

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