Some people have a knack for getting along with others. Doesn't matter who they are, or what kinds of issues they might have, some people just get along with everyone. I am NOT one of those people. I have a drive, a curiosity to me that makes me keep going until I understand every little facet of what makes a person tick. I don't always reveal a lot about myself in the process and frankly I can see how it would irritate some people to have me pick them apart and examine the pieces that make up the whole.
Quite contrarily, when I try to take people at face value, they usually play me. Big time. And it's not a nice feeling to know that someone you just simply accepted, didn't question, didn't examine, decided to take advantage of that and play you like a cheap lottery ticket. If I take the time to question, to examine, to get to know you, its a form of flattery. It means I like you and think you are interesting and worth the time an effort it takes to get to know what makes you tick. I value my time, so if I'm taking the time to get to know you, it means something.
Unfortunately, because I can be rather intense (yes I'm aware of it and yes I am trying to reel that part of me in and not come on so strong), most people don't take it in a good way. I don't make friends very often as a result.
I apologize if I have made anyone feel uncomfortable with my efforts to get to know an understand you. I only did it in the spirit of trying to be friends. :(
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