Family and Friends provide some of the best comfort there is. Food provides even better. It doesn't criticize, it doesn't care, it is always there for you. Sometimes it sticks around too long though, in those spare tires some of us carry around our middles. But that's what New Years resolutions are for, right? To promise yourself and the world that you will join the gym and get in shape. So many of us make the pledge but rarely go through with it.
Or maybe you are among the group that actually DOES get off their tush and gets to the gym and joins. You go strong for a couple weeks and then stop because well, it was easier to not go, wasn't it? You had more time to do the things you enjoyed before The Resolution. So you skip a day. The one day turns into two days and then a week and pretty soon you are paying for a membership you don't even use anymore.
Hats off to those of you who manage to make it and actually do it. Those who stick to it, avoid the criticism of our loving friends and family who smirk and go "yeah, I knew he would never stick with it" and laugh at us behind our backs. You know who you are, on both sides of that equation. Kudos to the success stories. Shame on you to the ones who tear down those that even try.
Trying is good. Trying shows you that you CAN do this. Sometimes you need some encouragement and you just have problems finding it. I know I do sometimes. With as screwed up as my back is, I know I would never be able to join a gym and use the membership to its fullest because I frankly physically can't do most of the stuff there. But I'd love to be able to try.
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