Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year

So, we made it. We survived a year that was bound and determined to kill us. So much happened last year but I'm counting it as a win for three reasons. #1 I made it through. #2 I got published. #3 I got divorced (trust me this was an excellent thing). Did you have reasons to be thankful you survived the year? I hope so.

So many people focus too much on the negative. Then they wonder why they have nothing but negative in their lives. I know I'm guilty of it as well at times, but I'm a work in progress, not a finished product, so I'm not going to sweat it. As long at the end of the day I can say I had something positive happen, I'm good with it.

Goal setting is a common thing (sorry the subject change is abrupt, I'm just that way sometimes) this time of year. Yes, there are millions of people who resolve to get in shape and lose weight, yadda yadda. I'm not going to say I'm going to do that but at the same time I would like to see it happen. I'm just not making it a resolution. What I AM going to make as a resolution is that I'm going to finish my second book and send it off to the publisher this week. Then I'm going to finish book three and send it in hopefully by the end of February. With some encouragement I can get it done before then. Meaning feedback from y'all.

Anyway, I'm running out of things to say on this auspicious day and feel the time is to wind this all down and just say simply, Happy New Year. Make it the best you can, because you won't get a second chance to do it.

Love from Alabama!

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