Thursday, October 26, 2017

Author Interview with Derek Masters

Author Interview with Derek Masters

Derek Masters

What first inspired you to write?

Writing is something that has always interested me. I can remember being in grade school and filling notebooks with all kinds of stories from different worlds. A lot of the stories back then revolved around friends from school or television shows that I was into.  Of course, the stories back then were FAR different than what I write today, but looking back on it, it’s easy to see that my writing was always a little on the dark side.

How do you come up with the ideas for your stories?

There isn’t really one correct answer to this question. I look for inspiration everywhere. The only thing that is certain is that I always put at least a little bit of me in the story somewhere.

What question do you hate the most about being a writer?

Being a fairly new writer, I haven’t really received a lot of questions about being a writer. I’ve just received the typical how did you learn how to do it or who showed you the ropes? In all honesty, I enjoy receiving messages from both readers and aspiring writers and I’m happy to give what little advice I’m able to.

Are you indie or traditionally published?

Complete Indie

Have you ever tried the other style of publishing?

No, and I’m not ENTIRELY CONVINCED that I’d like to. Sure, I’d love to be contacted by a publishing house because my work is getting noticed, but I like having control over what I write.

What are you working on now?

I’m working on a dark romance that I hope will be a lot different than what’s out there today. It’s currently Untitled but I’m very excited about it.

What is your most recent/upcoming release?

Vivian Ward and I co-wrote a book called “Only You.” It’s a MFM menage romance with a twist. Again, I think it’s unlike any other menage romance titles out there currently and I’m interested to see what the readers think about it.

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