Sunday, July 30, 2017

Author Interview with Angelica Charles

Author Interview with Angelica Charles

Author name and pen name : Angelica Charles

What inspired me?  I used to play school in the summers with my neighbor kids. I played the teacher and they were my students. While they were doing their math, I would write stories to read them for story time. I have always liked to write stories. I finally got brave enough in 2016 to publish my first novella.

How do I get ideas?  I find inspiration from all sorts of places.  Some of the things in my stories really happen to me.  Others are from dreams. Like the opening scene in Condo 1610.  It is about the main character going for a massage.  I actually dreamed that opening scene happened to me. I thought it was so funny I wanted to share it. I never know when inspiration will strike.  I normally have more ideas than I have time to write them.

What question do I hate to be asked?  Because I write erotic love scenes in my books many ask if they come from life.  Men contact me all the time on line to see if I am interested in acting out my stories with them. So, I want to set the record straight.  Not many of the people I have met that write erotic books, are interested in acting them out. I have been married to the same man for 28 years.  We are very happy. 

How am I published?  I am an indie author.  I am only on amazon right now. 

Have you tried another form of publishing?  I have not tried any other forms of publishing.  There are good and bad points to both.  Being an indie author and publisher there is a lot more marketing to do.  That takes time I could be writing the next book.  Traditional publishing would be better with the marketing.  I like creative control of my stories.  If you work with a traditional publisher sometimes you lose that control.

I am excited about my next book.  It is a collection of short stories about hot male nurses and the women that fall for them.  It will contain five short stories around forty pages each.  It is called My RN.  It was inspired from a scene I witnessed play out in an ER while checking on my grandmother.  There was a nice looking male nurse working.  There was this cute little red-haired gal probably early twenties.  She leaned across the nurse’s desk. In her best sexy voice, she said, “I know what RN stands for.”  He said, “Yes, I am a registered nurse.”  She said, “No, Really Naughty.”  I thought I could write a story about a hot male nurse.  That story turned into my book, “Designs on Him,” and five short stories about male nurses.

My recent release?  Condo 1610.  It is about an accountant that goes to the beach to see if she wants to start a new life there.  She meets a hot stock broker who is there for the same reason. They have an amazing time.  Then reality gets in their way of being together.  He is investigated for insider trading.  There is a murder.  You wonder if they will ever find their way back to each other or if the time they shared in Condo 1610 will be all they ever have together.

Link to stalk me:    

twitter: Angelica Charles @Angelic72563003

 It has been a pleasure being interviewed by you.  I want to thank all the book lovers and fellow authors for taking the time to get to know me better.  I am also on facebook.  I just started an author page.  Angelica Charles Books.  I ask you to please like my page.  Thank You!!!

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