Monday, November 28, 2016

Praying for Gatlinburg

Just the other day, I posted about the number of fires in the State of Alabama, how we have lost over 22,000 acres to fire just since the first of October. Gatlinburg, Tennessee is also on fire. They are actively evacuating it as we speak because the fires are entering the city. People are literally losing everything they have. And there's no way to stop it.

I've seen photos and video from those who are there, trying to escape it. It's bad, very very bad. I've been through those mountains, and really there are places where the fire will just whip itself into nothing short of an inferno because of the contour of the land. There will be no escaping it. I pray everyone makes it out safely. There is a storm system moving in from the west, but with the winds it has in front of it, it might do a LOT more damage before it does any good.

For now, just pray for those in harms way. Once we get to where we start picking up the pieces, we need to pull together as a country, as a species, and prove that we are one.

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