Thursday, October 27, 2016

Learning (anti)Social Media - part 2

Learning social media is not fun. Certain aspects of it are, like games you can play and keeping up with friends and family. But other things are not fun. Like trying to figure out how to link it all together so that you have one central hub you can go to and do everything from. It just doesn't work that way. Or if it does, I don't know how to do it. Which isn't surprising.
I'd rather be writing.
I don't mean blogs, I mean my books. They are sweet, simple creatures, they pretty much do what I want them to do, provide me with an escape to another world, a world not complicated by electronics and media. Oh how I long for the days gone by when I didn't have to know how to use social media. But those days are past.
I'd rather be writing.
I must say though, all this has given me a new appreciation for the works of Chaucer and Shakespeare and Milton and Dumas and all the other authors who slaved away with quill and ink pot, in poor candle light, scratching their ideas onto parchment paper, no erasers, no back space key, not copy and paste feature. Can you imagine the things they could have done with a modern word processing program at their disposal? How many works died with them because they didn't have the time to write them all out, longhand, for the world to enjoy before they died? They endured the heat of summer and the cold of winter, choked on smoke from chimneys, freezing their fingers and hands, just to struggle to give birth to their book babies. We don't go through that anymore. We take for granted the multi-watt light bulbs that burn so brightly over head (sometimes next to head depending on the location of the lamp), the fans and central heat and air that keep us comfortable day and night. The on-demand music that plays without our having to do anything more than push a button or ask Siri to play a song or play list.
I'd rather be writing.
Here I sit, in my cushioned chair (no, I still haven't bought a desk chair), in the air conditioning (yes, it's October and some people are having their first snow, but I live in Alabama, about the only time we see snow is if the satellite goes out), enjoying my playlist on my ear buds while my fingers dance across the keyboard, writing at speeds the greats could only dream of.
I guess I should stop complaining and get back to writing now.


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