Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Controling your characters HA

I don't know if all authors experience this, but I know this is a daily struggle for me. I am not in control of my characters. They tell me what to write. And if I try to force them to do something, it never works out well. It's like writing down the daily activities of a group of toddlers. I've had more than one person tell me, "You're the author, you tell them what to do". To which I usually smile and laugh a little. They clearly have no clue what it's like to be an author.
You live with other people in your head. People who invariably tell you exactly what you need to know at the worst possible times, like just before you go to sleep, when you are in the shower, or driving, or somewhere else so completely inconvenient for you to write it down that it's impossible. You don't control your characters, they control you.
It's useless to explain this to others, though. And although you hear 'voices', you know you aren't crazy, and professionals know you aren't crazy, but to everyone else, it's questionable how sane you are. Personally, I've found my characters to be better company than most people I know. I know they aren't real, but they are nicer than a lot of people, more polite and while sometimes pushy, for the most part patient.
I am somewhat concerned though. A couple of my male characters are concerned about my love life, or lack there of. To the point where they are giving me advice on how to attract and keep a man. This worries me. lol

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