Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Story-book life? No thanks!

I admit I'm not perfect. My life thus far has had more than it's share of downs, I'm still working on the ups. But someone asked me if I wanted a story-book life. And honestly I stopped and thought about it for a bit. No, I don't.

Seriously, have you seen what some authors put their characters though in their 'perfect story-book lives'? It's nothing short of hell! The drama, the intrigue, the angst, the ups the downs, good grief! I don't want that! I want something that is unattainable. Not an amplified, over-dramatized life, but rather one that is devoid of the majority of drama, at least most bad drama anyway. There are some things that are drama worthy, but in a good way. Like finding the love of your life. Settling down and living with that certain someone you want to grow old with and wake up and see first thing in the morning, every possible morning, for the rest of your life. That to me is the idyllic life, and to some may be 'story-book' in its idealism. But I don't want the angst that the characters have to go through to get there! I just want to skip to the end, cut to the chase! And frankly, if you really know me, and know what I have been through in the last 9 or 10 years, you would probably agree that I have had more than my share of trials and tribulations, and it's time, past time, for me to reap the rewards of surviving what I have.

No, I don't want the fairy tale ending, I don't want the story-book life. I want peace and happiness and love I want to be able to support myself doing what I love, and have people in my life who are likeminded and will help me attain that goal, while I help them attain it as well.

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